June 2024 Restorative Practices Circle

Sunday, June 30, 10:45am-12:45pm | Bethany North

We are grateful that Bethany North is hosting this circle gathering! Come for worship at 9:30 and stay for the circle afterward, or come for the circle at 10:45. Join this informal, small group setting as we share, listen, and are heard in our experiences of culture, race, and ethnicity. A light lunch and beverages will be provided, and you are welcome to bring something to share!

About Restorative Circles: A circle consists of "rounds" of questions and prompts, where each person has an opportunity to share. One of the strengths of circles is the opportunity for focused listening as we practice giving others equal space to share. As we go through the rounds, we will start with introducing ourselves, grounding ourselves in the conversation and space, and affirming the guidelines. Then we will take things deeper with each round, and have opportunities for responding to each other. Learn more with this 2 minute read.

How many people will you be registering?
